Embrace the Ancient Practice Here and Now
Create space – Connect to breath – Find balance – Be still
Yoga means union.
In yoga, we connect to our breath, explore the body-mind connection, find physical strength and balance, and create union with the present moment. My journey from longtime practitioner to teacher found me sharing the practice at a community space aptly called The Union in West Cornwall, CT. The Wellness Collective, part of the Hughes Memorial Union, is a beautiful space where students can explore the ancient practice and find what resonates with their individual needs right here and now.
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity – Simone Weil
Be generous to yourself. Practice yoga.
Yoga taught me to pay attention.
It’s not always easy to pay attention to what’s happening on the inside. Yoga helps us become more aware of our inner state. The physical practice of asana (meaning posture or seat) is just the beginning. Through the practice, we expand our ability to be fully present and to feel the essence of who we are, which is life’s only constant.

Classes at The Wellness Collective, West Cornwall, CT
All Levels Vinyasa Yoga
Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:35 p.m.
Saturdays, 9:30 - 10:35 a.m.
A well-rounded practice, suitable for all levels, designed to open, lengthen, align, strengthen, balance, and release, while linking breath to movement. Options and modifications are offered to allow each student to find the level of energy and challenge they need and seek in that moment. I remind students that the practice is theirs to explore and that resting in child’s pose is still doing yoga.
NOTE: The Saturday class meets from 9:00-10:05 a.m. from June - September.
Gentle Stretch and Restore + Yoga Nidra
This class offers gentle stretches to open and lengthen, uses pranayama techniques to help calm the mind and nervous system, and provides longer-held, deeply relaxing and releasing poses supported by props. These poses, held for 5 minutes or more, release tension in the joints, muscles, and connective tissues and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing us to find stillness in “rest and digest” mode. Restorative yoga is known to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, help alleviate pain, and calm the mind. The last part of class is a guided yoga nidra meditation done in shavasana (lying on your back) using techniques including a body scan and visualizations to deeply release in a conscious state between being awake and asleep.
Sundays, 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
New Class at Riga Yoga, Salisbury, CT
Gentle Stretch and Restore + Yoga Nidra
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. See description above.
Schedule updates and cancelations will be posted here.
Experience the Benefits.
What students say…
"Saturday morning yoga with Mare has been a vital component of my decompression routine following a busy and stressful work week. I leave yoga with open joints and a relaxed mind."
- Julie
"Mare's class is a perfect blend of challenging and soothing - I work up a sweat and feel stretched and relaxed after. Mare is an attentive yet low-key teacher who makes me (and everyone) feel comfortable and welcome. She’s a gem."
- Cathy
“Mare’s classes are great because they are accessible to all. Her teaching style enables me to engage in poses that work for my body. I’m always surprised at how energizing yoga can be!"
- Alison
"Mare’s nonjudgmental and individualize approach to teaching yoga has allowed me to go from confused flailing about and looking at my watch to truly enjoying every class. I am forever grateful."
- Ginger