About Mare
My hope at the end of every class is that each student has discovered something that resonates with them, be it physical, energetic, or spiritual, that they can take off the mat and bring into their daily living.
I have been practicing yoga for three decades and teaching since I earned my 200-hour certification with ISHTA Yoga in 2021. It was the combination of being laid off from a corporate job that was bringing me little satisfaction and the world suddenly shutting down during the pandemic that allowed me to go deeper into the practice of yoga. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know. The more I wanted to share the feeling that yoga gives me in my body and mind with other curious practitioners. Teaching yoga became my newfound joy.
The physical practice of yoga, the asana (one of the eight limbs of yoga), is what attracts most people to the practice. Indeed, my first experiences with yoga made my body feel good and left me feeling strong, flexible, and spacious. More powerful than that was the calm feeling it created in my mind. Over the years, I wondered about the roots of yoga — why is this ancient practice so powerful today? Where did yoga come from?
I kept to the path and slowly learned to answer some of the many questions I had, and I will never stop expanding my knowledge and experience of all that yoga is. In my classes, I seek to share nuggets of yoga wisdom (found in the other seven limbs) and remind students that resting in stillness is yoga. In fact, it is the stillness that allows us to eventually reach the goal of yoga — samadhi — a meditative state where we experience union with pure consciousness and our true Self.
If you would like to sign up for my weekly emails or join a yoga class, please reach out! Namaste